Thursday, December 28, 2006

prep school

A couple of weeks ago, I went back east for a few days to visit my family. Ironically, my newspaper was planning on hiring a freelancer to shoot some pictures in a remote part of western CT. So, my super cool boss (and I am not just saying that because he is probably reading this) asked if I was interested in shooting the assignment.

After my intial reaction of yes, of course, I'm ready, sign me up. I started to get a bit nervous and feel more pressure. I hadn't shot anything in months. And now that I am an editor, I felt like I had to be more on my game because otherwise the photographers I work with might think less of me. After all, they are a very talented group and one of the reasons I became an editor was my lack of talent as a shooter.

All that aside, It was a very good experience. It was great to be out in the field again. And to first hand remember all the obstacles photographers encounter and have to deal with. And, more importantly, that things usually never unfold the way you think they will.

Anyways, the story ran over the holiday weekend, but I think for a change I won't show the pages but here are a couple photos. I have also posted a few more on my sportsshooter page.


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