walking scenes
For the past few weeks, I've been moved off my regular sports night shift and have been working days as the Metro/A1 picture editor. The change in my routine has been great. It's given me a fresh perspective and provided me with a new challenge. It has also allowed for me to walk to work. I grew up in a pretty small town in central New York---we never locked our cars and only sometimes we would lock the house. While Seattle is relatively safe for a big city, I'm still a little nervous about walking the 8 blocks or so home from work late at night.
So, as the battery of my hybrid slowly drains from lack of use, I've been walking to and from work. It's been interesting. It's still pretty cold and crappy here in Seattle most days, but it's been good to explore the neighborhood a bit more. I live in an area of Seattle that is booming with construction and new businesses and shops go in all the time. In fact, Amazon.com is supposely moving into the neighborhood next year.
As a way to push myself, I've decided to photograph what I see along my walking to work journeys. Don't ask me what this is---some random shards of a picture that are implanted into the sidewalk. Very strange and very Seattle.
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