Thursday, June 14, 2007

bad geek

So spent last weekend hanging out with a bunch of photographers in Portland. It was a lot of fun, for sure. I was able to meet some great people for the first time and got to know other people much better. Most everyone there was a photographer-and well, my actual photography skills are super rusty. Other than shooting a random window here or there, I don't shoot much as an editor. So, I guess I am using that as an excuse why I didn't photograph very much over the weekend. However, seeing all the great work people produced I was inspired to start shooting again and have re-discovered how much I really miss that part of my life. Don't get me wrong, I had a blast all the same-but next year I think I will be a little more into using my camera. And as soon as I kick the cold I now have--I'll start dusting off the camera equipment.

Anyways-these are pretty much the only pictures I shot all weekend. Alan my coworker shooting some real Authoritarians, my coworker Erika at dinner, and my partner in crime for the weekend, Shawn.

I really need to let go of my insecurities and shoot more for myself--maybe this was the kick I needed.


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