On my trip back east, I visited a famous castle in the Thousand Islands- Boldt Castle. A few months ago, I saw a TV show about America's most famous castles and this castle located on Heart Island was one of them.
At the turn of the century, a very rich Mr. Boldt set out to build a castle in honor of his beloved wife, Louise. We are talking a huge 120-room castle from stone. Not including the other structures that were being built on the island---a playhouse, a tower house, a boathouse, powerhouse, etc. No expense was spared. A theme throughout the castle was love---and the symbol was hearts. Everywhere.
However, in 1904- Boldt's wife suddenly died and he stopped all construction on the castle and never wanted to return. For 73 years the castle was abandoned - where vandals and the harsh winters took its told on the island. In 1977 the Thousand Island Bridge Authority, who has invested millions of dollars to renovate the structures, bought the island. However, since the upper floors of the castle were never finished----they remain that way. It is daunting to see the lower levels looking so magnificent and the upper floors so barren.
Graffiti covers most of the walls. It is clear the castle was used for massive parties over the years. But throughout it all, love is still relevant. Most of the graffiti are sentiments of love. And it makes you wonder if Mr. Boldt would like the fact that his castle became a place where many people found true love of their own. Being the romantic I am---I like to think so...