Sunday, July 29, 2007

fight night

I love photographing boxing. I just love it. I am not good at it---but I love it. So, tonight I photographed the WBC Super Welterweight Title fight. It was fun. If you see the fight on HBO- I'm the one in the pink shirt. :)

One thing I don't love was the awful shooting conditions. Seriously, trying to fit 5 photographers into 2 photo spots was frustrating. Especially when one of those guys refuses to rotate. But the rest of us did what we could with what we had.

It is good for me to shoot once and while. I always remember why I got into photo editing on nights like tonight. Not that I did terrible, but I always rediscover how talented most photographers I know are--and how they inspire me to be a better editor.

Friday, July 27, 2007

i love sushi

So, one of the best parts of my vacation was the fact that northern NY is pretty rural. No cable, weak cell phone service, no internet (well, no high-speed, isn't that the same thing?)- so for me it was disconnecting from everything that I do. And it felt great. The nearest small town is about 20 miles away.

This was the big sushi place.

I love sushi and all----but not this much.

true love

On my trip back east, I visited a famous castle in the Thousand Islands- Boldt Castle. A few months ago, I saw a TV show about America's most famous castles and this castle located on Heart Island was one of them.

At the turn of the century, a very rich Mr. Boldt set out to build a castle in honor of his beloved wife, Louise. We are talking a huge 120-room castle from stone. Not including the other structures that were being built on the island---a playhouse, a tower house, a boathouse, powerhouse, etc. No expense was spared. A theme throughout the castle was love---and the symbol was hearts. Everywhere.

However, in 1904- Boldt's wife suddenly died and he stopped all construction on the castle and never wanted to return. For 73 years the castle was abandoned - where vandals and the harsh winters took its told on the island. In 1977 the Thousand Island Bridge Authority, who has invested millions of dollars to renovate the structures, bought the island. However, since the upper floors of the castle were never finished----they remain that way. It is daunting to see the lower levels looking so magnificent and the upper floors so barren.

Graffiti covers most of the walls. It is clear the castle was used for massive parties over the years. But throughout it all, love is still relevant. Most of the graffiti are sentiments of love. And it makes you wonder if Mr. Boldt would like the fact that his castle became a place where many people found true love of their own. Being the romantic I am---I like to think so...

I'm back

Everytime I look at this picture, I instantly feel more relaxed. I guess that is what vacation is all about.

This picture was taken from my parent's house on the St. Lawerence River. It is called The Thousand Islands (yes, like the dressing) because of the thousands of islands that liter the seaway. The river divides the US and Canada. So --that is what you see across the water---Brockville, Canada. I spent most of my days kayaking around islands, doing puzzles, telling jokes, sharing memories, burning marshmellows, and enjoying good times with friends and family. And doing a bad job of taking pictures of my trip.

Sorry I have been slacking on my posts recently. I'm sure my two readers out there have been heartbroken. :)

Anyways, after a couple weeks back in NY and the remainder of my time spent working and going to photography workshops/seminars- I am back.